

Machine Learning Frameworks (train and deploy machine learning models that can recognize musical patterns, generate music, or analyze audio data)

  • TensorFlow

  • Keras

  • PyTorch

  • Apache MXNet

Audio Processing Libraries (extract features from audio files, such as tempo, pitch, and melo)

  • Librosa

  • Essentia

  • PyDub

Cloud Hosting Platforms (host the application and ensure it is available online 24/7)

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Google Cloud

  • Amazon Web Services

Front-end Development Tools (develop the user interface of beatsAI® technology)

  • React

  • Angular

  • Vue.js

Back-end Development Tools (handling server-side programming and database management)

  • Node.js

  • Python

  • Ruby

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools (build a conversational AI music assistant, to process and understand natural language queries)

  • NLTK

  • Spacy

  • Gensim

Music Theory and Composition Tools (enable beatsAI® technology to generate music)

  • Music21

  • MIDIUtil

  • Ableton Live

It's important to note that the specific software tools and technologies required to build a beatsAI® technology may vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the project. Additionally, wemay choose to use one or many software tools from the same toolset to achieve your desired results.

Furthermore, the development process for beatsAI® project will involve ongoing updates and changes as the project progresses, and new technologies and tools become available. It's important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in machine learning, audio processing, and other relevant areas, and to be flexible in adapting your approach as needed to achieve the project goals.

With a collaborative approach, the team can adapt to changes and updates, ensuring that your beatsAI® technology is built with the latest and greatest technologies available.

Last updated